Why should you invest in Turkey?

Why should you invest in Turkey?

With more than 85 million inhabitants, the former Anatolia is the 18th most populated country in the world. Türkiye is a country with a very dynamic economy, especially in Istanbul...

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Investment opportunities in Portugal and Golden visa

Investment opportunities in Portugal and Golden visa

Portugal is a member state of the European Union, is located in southwestern Europe, and has a population of 10.31 million. Portugal’s capital...

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How to form a company in France?

How to form a company in France?

In this video, we list all the options and procedures for setting-up a company in France

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France Economic Forecast: 2022 - 2023

France Economic Forecast: 2022 - 2023

The latest economic forecast for France shows that the economy is predicted to slow down during the last few months of 2022 and 2023. This is due to severe supply disruptions, as well as higher inflation brought on by the energy crisis.

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How to get residency in Turkey?

How to get residency in Turkey?

If you are planning to settle in Turkey as a long-term or short-term resident, there are requirements to obtain a Residency Permit that you have to follow.

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What are Dutch promising startups?

What are Dutch promising startups?

Ever heard about Booking.com, WeTransfer, Travelbird or TakeAway? Probably you did. These are just a few examples of fast-growing and very successful European companies that share a history of being a startup.

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